Research Resources for Motivation Research
Inventory of School Motivation (ISM)
The ISM (McInerney & Ali, 2006) measures the goal orientation of students. It consists of eight goal orientation scales. The scale for task measures students’ interest in task of learning and wanting to improve understanding. The scale for effort measures students’ willingness to expend their effort to improve schoolwork. The scale for competition measures students’ competitiveness in learning. The scale for social power measures the extent to which seeking social power and status through school work is important to students. The scale for affiliation measures students’ interest in belonging to a group when doing schoolwork. The scale for social concern measures students’ concern for other students and the willingness to help them with their schoolwork. The scale for praise measures the extent to which praise and recognition for schoolwork is important to students. The scale for token measures the extent to which tangible rewards for schoolwork are important to students.
ISM has been translated to different languages for assessing students motivations such as Chinese and Filipino
General Achievement Goal Orientation Scale (GAGOS)
The General Achievement Goal Orientation Scale (GAGOS) includes sets of items that reflect general motivation in the three targeted areas, namely, general mastery (e.g., I am most motivated when I see my work improving), general performance (e.g., I am most motivated when I am doing better than others), and general social (e.g., I am most motivated when I work with others).
Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S)
GOALS-S specifically assesses the self regulation strategies, viz., elaboration, organisation, rehearsal, monitoring, planning and regulating , with the first three dimensions (elaboration2, organisation & rehearsal) as cognitive strategies (SRCS) and the later three dimensions (monitoring, planning & regulating) as metacognitive strategies (SRMC)
Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ)
The Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire is drawn from Personal Investment theory (Maehr & Braskamp, 1986). Facilitating conditions are the external forces in students’ social environments that may facilitate or inhibit the translation of internal motivations into actual behavior (McInerney, Yeung, & Dowson, 2005). These conditions include the impact of significant others – parents, peers and teachers, as well as the students’ affect to school and their perceived valuing of school. Specifically, seven facilitating condition factors are included, two as outcome variables: valuing school, affect to school; and five as predictor variables: positive peer influences, negative peer influences, positive parent influences , negative parent influences and positive teacher influences.
Future Time Orientation Scale (FTO)
A scale to measure students future goals such as career-focused, fame-focused, wealth-focused, family focused and society focused goals.
The ISM (McInerney & Ali, 2006) measures the goal orientation of students. It consists of eight goal orientation scales. The scale for task measures students’ interest in task of learning and wanting to improve understanding. The scale for effort measures students’ willingness to expend their effort to improve schoolwork. The scale for competition measures students’ competitiveness in learning. The scale for social power measures the extent to which seeking social power and status through school work is important to students. The scale for affiliation measures students’ interest in belonging to a group when doing schoolwork. The scale for social concern measures students’ concern for other students and the willingness to help them with their schoolwork. The scale for praise measures the extent to which praise and recognition for schoolwork is important to students. The scale for token measures the extent to which tangible rewards for schoolwork are important to students.
ISM has been translated to different languages for assessing students motivations such as Chinese and Filipino
General Achievement Goal Orientation Scale (GAGOS)
The General Achievement Goal Orientation Scale (GAGOS) includes sets of items that reflect general motivation in the three targeted areas, namely, general mastery (e.g., I am most motivated when I see my work improving), general performance (e.g., I am most motivated when I am doing better than others), and general social (e.g., I am most motivated when I work with others).
Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S)
GOALS-S specifically assesses the self regulation strategies, viz., elaboration, organisation, rehearsal, monitoring, planning and regulating , with the first three dimensions (elaboration2, organisation & rehearsal) as cognitive strategies (SRCS) and the later three dimensions (monitoring, planning & regulating) as metacognitive strategies (SRMC)
Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ)
The Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire is drawn from Personal Investment theory (Maehr & Braskamp, 1986). Facilitating conditions are the external forces in students’ social environments that may facilitate or inhibit the translation of internal motivations into actual behavior (McInerney, Yeung, & Dowson, 2005). These conditions include the impact of significant others – parents, peers and teachers, as well as the students’ affect to school and their perceived valuing of school. Specifically, seven facilitating condition factors are included, two as outcome variables: valuing school, affect to school; and five as predictor variables: positive peer influences, negative peer influences, positive parent influences , negative parent influences and positive teacher influences.
Future Time Orientation Scale (FTO)
A scale to measure students future goals such as career-focused, fame-focused, wealth-focused, family focused and society focused goals.