Professional Registrations
- Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society
- Member Australian Psychological Society
- Member of the American Psychological Association
- Registered Psychologist - New South Wales
- Member of the APS College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists
Editorial Boards
Professor McInerney is or has been on the Editorial Boards of:
- The American Educational Research Journal (AERA)
- Contemporary Educational Psychology, (Academic Press)
- Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, (Routledge, Taylor and Francis)
- Educational Psychologist, (American Psychological Association)
- Educational and Developmental Psychology, (Australian Psychological Society)
- Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, (Universiti Utara Malaysia)
- Near and Middle Eastern Journal of Research in Education
- The Teacher Educator (Routledge)
Major International Consultancies
2017-2019: Consultant Faculty of Education and Human Development, The Education University of Hong Kong Mock RAE.
2016: Consultant School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, Publication Quality Review.
2015-2017: Advisor for Collaborative Innovation Centre of Assessment Towards Basic Education Equality, Beijing Normal University.
2013-2014: Member, Technical Advisory Group for OECD Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS).
2012: Consultant to the strategic research project (SR/EDU/PSYC/10/01) in Oman, Sultan Qaboos University, College of Education
2012: Invited member of expert panel to discuss the aspirations and attitudes of Qatari Youth. ictQATAR, June 10-11, London.
2011: Consultant to research project National Priorities Research Program NPRP project 09-302-5-052 QATAR University.
2016: Consultant School of Education, Liverpool John Moores University, Publication Quality Review.
2015-2017: Advisor for Collaborative Innovation Centre of Assessment Towards Basic Education Equality, Beijing Normal University.
2013-2014: Member, Technical Advisory Group for OECD Teaching and Learning International Study (TALIS).
2012: Consultant to the strategic research project (SR/EDU/PSYC/10/01) in Oman, Sultan Qaboos University, College of Education
2012: Invited member of expert panel to discuss the aspirations and attitudes of Qatari Youth. ictQATAR, June 10-11, London.
2011: Consultant to research project National Priorities Research Program NPRP project 09-302-5-052 QATAR University.